


  Chiu Design Studio(Chiu・琛工作室),是一家集服装品牌设计开发各环节多功能服装设计工作室,工作室深耕女装行业多年,专注于与服装品牌公司企业的季度性合作,提供从品牌女装设计管理,品牌企划方案(主面料/主色),全品类定向设计至企划买手,贴牌生产及成衣委托加工管理等。

  Chiu design studio is a full-service studio with ' Fashioning Brands ' focus. Creating strategy, design and production for commercial clients. Specialized in Creative & Commercial design, for both Creations and Fashion Products.

  The global fashion market is facing a major environment crisis, the fashion industry is also a major consumer of natural resources and a major polluter. we need to work through to further develop sustainability into our design to products, with a more eco-conscious approach.
